About us
And so our small but feisty removal company was born!
Our Story
We are a young logistics company founded in October 2018 by four friends. The idea started from a simple need to get a new sound system for our associations event management project. We decided to buy an old van to earn a few extra bucks by helping people handle their removals. Today we run an international removal company with heavy duty biofuel trucks delivering first class removal service around the whole Europe!
It is important to demand change but even more important is to enact it!
10 Reasons to choose KunnonMuutto
We are a genuinely ecological choice: our fleet runs on biogas on domestic and international jobs. As we drive for hundreds of thousands of kilometres all across Europe the impact on the environment, or lack there-of, accumulates. We always fill our cargo space to its absolute safety limit so as to not transport air, so to speak.
Cargo is always packed and protected with blankets and other reusable materials. Our whole operation is guided by principles that enable sustainability.
We know our employees personally, because we interview and train them ourselves, instead of hiring temporary staff. We trust each member of our team enabling the confidence to offer you the best possible service. Change in staff is and has been minimal, as many of our movers have been with us since day one. We, the owners, also go on jobs repeatedly.
Right next to our ecological principles is your satisfaction. Our client specific services are designed to meet every wish you might have, concerning your transport or moving.
KunnonMuutto is a workplace where it is difficult to distinguish the employer from the employee. Our employees may observe from their payroll when “business is good”, and meanwhile, the weight on the environment is lightened as we occupy space from the competing, less ecological businesses.
From packing, through cleaning and customs processing, to moving lift we offer everything your moving might require. Whatever you may need, please, do not hesitate to ask! Before starting our business, we organized festivals, which resulted in a certain thirst for challenges; we’ve not seen it all, but we’ve seen a lot!
All too often, in this line of work, you come across a situation wherein furniture of decent condition is dumped by the request of the client. We can’t save each closet or sofa, but we strive to prolong the lifespan of as many as we can with the recycle service of ours called KunnonKierrätys, which can be found and joined in Facebook.
KunnonMuutto isn’t only about pretty words. They reflect our actions in the office, as well as on free time. We confront our leaders to address problems we notice, such as the mixture obligation, which is an obligation to mix biofuel with fossil fuel.
We aren’t set in our ways! We conform with the everchanging way of the world, just as with the various needs of our clients. Our team is always looking into new ways to improve our mode of operation – we want our service to improve by the day! We always try to make use of the latest available technology and we are always prepared to change to ever more sustainable alternatives. We are committed to the improvement of our business from an economical, as well as an ecological aspect.
We do not cooperate with dubious, or environmentally reckless businesses. In both domestic and international moves we have been careful to select trustworthy partner businesses. We are in constant search of suitable partners as we conquer our way forward, to a greener future!
As much as it should be obvious, we always give an opportunity to any applicants for specific tasks without considering their age, sex or gender, or other irrelevant factors.
Our Arsenal
50-100 m3
46 m3
A biogas-powered testament to Swedish engineering, our proud Flagship rides effortlessly on the ever-growing waves of ecological transportation. The insatiable biogas driven giant eats sofas for breakfast, and whole apartments for dinner; a hunger best explained by its Viking-origins.
35 m3
35 m3
An italian stallion you can trust to deliver. This young Fiat is like Kingi’s little brother, who eats a little less biogas but does his absolute best to keep up with his big brother.
20 m3
Better late than never, as the saying goes. Due to a component shortage in its factory, this dashing deliverer came to our eager crew a few months late. Was it our excitement or the sheer delight of its driveability that makes the car so special, one can only guess. As is the case with its namesake in Finnish politics, Linkola certainly has character, whether you agree with him or not!
16 m3
With it’s Italian temperament and beauty almost switched to showbusiness as a stunt car having had a minor bump on a film set. It’s sizable behind might indeed be too hot to handle to some, who have yet to experience the southern charm. Italian engineering at its finest! Una bellissima macchina, a truly beautiful car.
2 m3
Not getting the attention it needs, our smallest vehicle is used on some smaller delivery and distribution jobs which it performs admirably. This biogas-consuming postman’s best friend is also up for sale, as it is not in heavy use at KunnonMuutto. The mileage is as cute as the Caddy itself.
Our team
Teemu Taurula
Founder, CEO, AD
Teemu takes care of all our international business and is a father of many great ideas. He is constantly planting new seeds of thought and inspiring his colleagues. When Teemu isn’t helping with customer service or contacting decision makers to work on more sustainable solutions in the removal industry, he is constantly brainstorming way in which he and his company can make the world a better place.
+358 50 467 5255
Carolina Mobarac
Founder, Head of ICT
Carolina is the brains behind the company’s administration and representation at the office. When we started this company, Carolina did everything from scratch. Built us a CRM system without any previous experience! Nowadays Caro is studying to be an ICT engineer.
Lauri “Lalli” Erkko
HR Manager & Field Operations Specialist
Lalli is a real professional when it comes to moving, and you’re lucky if you get him to take care of your move. But the most important thing Lalli takes care of is our staff – he listens to their cares and arranges the best company parties.